Moral or Value Conflicts

Conflicts over values, morals, or worldviews can be exceptionally difficult to resolve, as these beliefs are very deeply-rooted and seldom, if ever, ammenable to negotiation. Several respondents talked about the difficulty presented by this kind of conflict, while others talked about constructive ways of approaching such non-negotiable issues.

The Challenge of Deep-Rooted Moral Differences

Jayne Docherty suggests that resolving conflicts among parties with fundamentally different world views is extremely difficult.
Richard Rubenstein suggests that religious identity plays a special role in both the expression of conflict and its resolution.
Jayne Docherty suggests in order to deal with extremism one must understand its underlying causes and the mechanisms that support it.
Richard Rubenstein talks about common misconceptions associated with terrorism.

Responding to Deep-Rooted Moral Differences

Morton Deutsch explains how listening to the other can actually allow people to see that "non-negotiable" differences can actually be resolved in a mutually satisfactory way.
To mediate or not to mediate: that is the question, says Marcia Cambell, when approaching worldview or value conflicts.
Morton Deutsch, a founding father of the conflict resolution field, discusses how parties can come to negotiate "non-negotiable issues."