- If You're Not Part of the Solution, You're Part of the Problem -- Conflict is created by everyone--it becomes better or worse depending on what all of us do. -- March 10, 2018
- First, Do No Harm -- Doctors promise to, at a minimum, “do no harm.” People who want to improve conflicts should do the same. -- March 13, 2018
- Sound the Alarm -- People don't realize how destructive their conflict behaviors often are: we must sound the alarm to spur change! -- March 17, 2018
- Treat EVERYONE With Respect -- Respect is free to give, yet its payback is huge: breaking down stereotypes and often earning respect in return. -- March 19, 2018
- Focus on Fixing the Problem, Not Attacking People -- Attacking people makes them angry. Enlisting their help to solve a mutual problem is more likely to work as hoped. -- March 22, 2018
- Allow Your Opponents to "Save Face." -- No one likes to be humiliated--allowing your opponent to save face will help defuse a conflict. -- April 5, 2018
- Practice - and Preach - Civility in Public and Private Discourse -- Incivility begets more of the same, while civil discourse can help de-escalate conflict and improve relationships. -- April 8, 2018
- Listen Actively and Empathically -- Empathic listening is amazingly powerful--sometimes that is all that is needed to defuse destructive conflicts. -- April 11, 2018
- Be Willing to Consider the Possibility That You May Be Wrong -- Most of us are so enmeshed in our own worldviews that we don't consider that we might be wrong. It helps to listen to outsiders and consider that possibility. -- April 14, 2018
- Break Down Negative Stereotypes -- Don’t assume a person you don’t know is just like you expect them to be. Give them a chance to surprise you! -- April 17, 2018
- Persuade People By Meeting Their Interests Too -- If you can let the other side win something too, the chances of cooperation go way up. -- April 21, 2018
- Understand Your--and Others'--Fundamental Human Needs -- Fundamental needs are common drivers of conflict. But they don't have to be. -- April 24, 2018
- Seek Co-existence, Not Total Victory -- The demand for total victory is a recipe for continuing and deepening strife--co-existence is essential for peace. -- April 27, 2018
- Minimize the Use of Force -- Exchange and respect are more powerful than force--they persuade without causing backlash. -- April 30, 2018
- Play a "Third Side Role" -- "Third siders" are disputants and outsiders - united in a desire to transform conflicts for the better. -- May 4, 2018