Connecting with BI

There are three principal ways in which visitors can connect with Beyond Intractability.

Sign up for BI's New Substack Newsletter.

Starting in September of 2022, we plan to increase the frequency of our newsletters to once or even twice a week. By signing up to receive the free newsletter, you will be able to see what is new on our hyper-polarization discussion, as well as other new materials posted on BI each week. If you have already signed up to receive our earlier newsletter, you will automatically get the new one—we have transfered our mailing list to the new system. If you have already signed up for the newsletter, but don't see it in your inbox, go to our Substack Help Page

Contribute to the BI/CRQ Hyper-Polarization Discussion

This is open to everyone to read. We also invite you to send us your thoughts using our contact form. Heidi Burgess and Guy Burgess are screening submissions to prevent bots, trolls, and other destructive content, but will post everything else, including ideas that disagree with ours. So, while we will screen for and decline to publish disruptive content, we will post anything that thoughtfully and constructively addresses some aspect of hyper-polarization (or the wider, intractable conflict problem).

Contact Us about Other Topics

Please use the same contact form to contact us with other comments and questions as well.