Recent Beyond Intractability Posts
Including Hyper-Polarization Posts
Posts by BI Section
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Hyper-Polarization Discussion Posts | Earlier Constructive Conflict Initiative Blog
Things You Can Do To Help | Conflict Frontiers | Conflict Fundamentals
Beyond Intractability in Context | Colleague Activities
- John Wood, Jr. [of Braver Angels] Speaks at Heal Dallas -- There is no contradiction between speaking the truth and loving the other. We can do both. -- Sep 30
- Americans Aren’t Practicing Democracy Anymore -- If we want to restore faith in democracy, we have to restore participation in a democracy that really protects people's interests. -- Sep 30
- An Exponential Rise in Goodness and Trust -- Each of us has the power to make the Covid19 time less painful and more fulfilling for ourselves and those around us. -- Sep 30
- The Psychology That Explains Your Reaction to Mass Protests -- Things we all ought to understand about the complex psychology that determines the way that we and our fellow citizens respond to protests. #mbi_colleague -- Sep 29
- Hanlon's razor -- Good advice: "never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity" or good faith mistake. -- Sep 29
- Beautiful Rising Flower Speech Campaign -- Seeking to strengthen the capacity, creativity, and effectiveness of social movements, activist groups, and CSOs to achieve lasting social change. -- Sep 29
- The Great Demographic Illusion -- An look at the complexities associated with racial classifications and the unnecessary tensions that arise from the way we explain demographic shifts. #mbi_context -- Sep 29
- The Complex Causes of Social Problems -- We need to think about social problems as complex adaptive systems requiring massively parallel problem-solving. #mbi_cci -- Sep 29
- The Hate at the Heart of Conspiracy Theory -- A look at how hate opens the door to wild conspiracy theories and enemy images that are as unrealistic as they are grotesque. -- Sep 28
- Ripeness -- If the ripe moment is allowed to pass, the chance for negotiation may not come again at all soon. #mbi_fundamentals -- Sep 28
- Beyond Conflict -- A Boston-based NGO helping civic, non-profit, and community leaders address conflict in the U.S. and 75 other countries. #mbi_colleague -- Sep 28
- The Backlash Effect & Coefficient -- The backlash coefficient measures the degree to which the quest for victory intensifies, rather than subdues, the opposition. #mbi_fundamentals -- Sep 28
- The United States Needs a New Strategic Mindset -- Our children's future depends on doing something that is very hard for democracies--develop and consistently pursue a well-reasoned long-term strategy. #mbi_context -- Sep 28
- The Abraham Path Webinars -- Here's your chance to walk the Abraham Path virtually! The Abraham Path Initiative has webinars every other Tuesday, available live or after the fact. #mbi_colleague -- Sep 28
- Large-Scale Political Unrest Is Unlikely, But Not Impossible -- A look at the "color revolutions" that arise when the people feel that an election has been stolen. Could something like this happen in the US? #mbi_context -- Sep 27
- Disproportionality Trap and Counter Trap -- It is not enough to address the disproportionate impact of social problems, you also have to equitably address the problem itself. -- Sep 27
- Discover Listening -- A collaborative project that enriches the lives of everyday people by helping them to listen well and to be heard. -- Sep 27
- Peaceful Change Strategies -- Should we negotiate or escalate? That's a false question. Social change comes from doing both. -- Sep 27
- The parties are locked in a political arms race — and keep finding new weapons -- A long-term look at the political arms race that has, over the last several decades, been taking us ever further away from the democratic ideal. -- Sep 27
- Women, Peace and Security Blog -- A blog promoting gender equality, enhancing women's security and economic, social and political participation -- Sep 27
- The real cost of Amazon -- Yet another reminder that there are a great many injustices in our pandemic-plagued world that must be addressed. #mbi_context -- Sep 24
- Dehumanization -- Research on dehumanization is very clear: such speech increases the likelihood of violence, even genocide. -- Sep 24
- Leaning in to Conflict and Leaning into Uncertainty -- A website documenting and expanding upon three online conversations on conflict, complexity, and uncertainty. -- Sep 24
- Jay Rothman: Systematic Collaborative Visioning for Conflict Resolution Action and Evaluation in the Post-Covid19 World -- The time is ripe and we have much to contribute do de-escalation: listening, dialogue, reframing, collaboration and more. #mbi_cci -- Sep 24
- As U.S. Confronts Anti-Black Racism, Latinos Wonder Where They Fit -- Food for thought as we think about how to craft a genuinely effective anti-racism strategy. #mbi_context -- Sep 24