Recent Beyond Intractability Posts
Including Hyper-Polarization Posts
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- Not in Our Town: Quick Start Guide: Working Together for Safe, Inclusive Communities -- This easy-to-understand and use guide lays out five steps that are needed to start one's own local "Not In Our Town" campaign to combat hate. #mbi_colleague -- Jul 28
- Destructive Escalation -- Destructive escalation is the most dangerous force on the planet. The "enemy" is not the other side, it's the escalation. We must learn how to control it. #mbi_fundamentals -- Jul 27
- Is That Really True? How Disinformation Dangerously Impacts our Thinking -- This free PDF book highlights ways we can reshape our filters and ways of thinking, so we remove ourselves from the stream of disinformation. #mbi_colleague -- Jul 27
- It’s Time To Retire The Term “White Privilege” -- A thoughtful and persuasive argument for replacing the term "white privilege" with genuine efforts to build relationships across racial lines. #mbi_context -- Jul 27
- Political polarization is dangerous to America; here's how to fight it -- It is nice to see, in USA Today, sound, broadly-accessible advice on things we can all do to help reverse our hyper-polarized politics. #mbi_context -- Jul 24
- Morton Deutsch on Understanding and Overcoming Oppression -- In order to win the struggle against oppression, you need to understand its multifaceted nature. This recently updated series of essays can help. #mbi_fundamentals -- Jul 24
- Leadership in This Moment: Listen Deeply, Unite Widely, Act Boldly -- Sound advice for the many genuine leaders who want to help us find a way through the difficult problems that we face. #mbi_colleague -- Jul 24
- President Biden’s First Day -- A hopeful vision for for a new politics that replaces divisive, hateful rhetoric with quiet competence and collective problem-solving. #mbi_context -- Jul 23
- Dehumanization in Politics -- Political rhetoric has been moving toward increasingly dehumanized enemy images. If we want to save democracy we have to reverse this trend--NOW! #mbi_cci -- Jul 23
- With the Groundbreaking Women, Peace, and Security Act, Washington Could Be a Model for the World -- An update on little noticed, bipartisan legislation mandating a "whole of government" effort to strengthen the role of women in ending wars. #mbi_colleague -- Jul 23
- We Interrupt This Gloom to Offer … Hope -- Amid the despair, a rapidly approaching opportunity to fix things. Time to build a coalition capable of making & sustaining the needed reforms. #mbi_context -- Jul 17
- Five myths about free speech -- A look at the surprising and important difficulties associated with defining and then defending "free speech." #mbi_context -- Jul 15
- Principles of Justice and Fairness -- Like, beauty, "justice" is "in they eye of the beholder. " Or is it not? Can it be objectively measured? #mbi_fundamentals -- Jul 15
- How Mass Protests End -- In this era of mass protests, it is worth thinking about how protests end and how this one might be guided toward a more constructive conclusion. #mbi_context -- Jul 14
- Civil Rights Mediation Oral History Project -- Stories from people with vast experience in de-escalating and resolving the most difficult racial, ethnic, and sexual orientation conflicts. #mbi_cci -- Jul 14
- The Perils of 'With Us or Against Us' -- A controversial, but insightful look into the problems with trying to change people's minds through intimidation rather than persuasion. #mbi_context -- Jul 13
- The "Two Taproot (or Fuses) Theory" of Social Unrest -- To prevent violence, you need to respond to more than the immediate incident. You need to look at the structures and processes that led to it. #mbi_cci -- Jul 09
- AfP COVID-19 Resources Library -- AfP is curating resources on lessons learned and best practices which are updated daily here. #mbi_colleague -- Jul 09
- Congress’s bipartisan national-service bill would be a powerful tonic for what’s ailing America -- A modest but, nevertheless, still welcome step toward strengthening the ethic of mutual support amid the pandemic. This one is even bipartisan! #mbi_context -- Jul 09
- Artists and Writers Warn of an ‘Intolerant Climate.’ Reaction Is Swift. -- Story about a new, broadly-based, and controversial effort to promote tolerance and a frank exchange of ideas on today's tough issues. #mbi_context -- Jul 08
- Theories of Change -- Expressions of anger and unfocused demands are unlikely to fix things. You need a workable plan and a strategy for building the needed support. #mbi_cci -- Jul 08
- Into-the-Sea Framing in 2020 USA -- This black/white, there's only room for one of us in this space is not a recipe for peace or justice. It's a recipe for war. #mbi_cci -- Jul 08
- America's Divided Mind: Understanding the Psychology That Drives Us Apart -- Americans incorrectly believe that members of the other party dehumanize, dislike, and disagree with them about twice as much as they actually do. #mbi_colleague -- Jul 08
- The Still-Vital Case for Liberalism in a Radical Age -- A long, thoughtful, and controversial look at the conflict over what ideas are so harmful that they should be suppressed. #mbi_context -- Jul 07
- Sanda Kaufman: Back to Basics: Making Sense of Current Events - Can Framing Help? -- Better framing can contribute to depolarization, mutual understanding, productive dialogue, and real problem solving. Why don't we work on that? #mbi_cci -- Jul 07